Wallscape Advertising in Seattle

Larger than Life Advertisements in Prime Locations

Located in the heart of Seattle, 线上博彩平台排名的墙体景观是一种引人注目的广告媒介,将给那些享受西北城市体验的人留下持久的印象. Located on major freeways and highways, on commuter streets, and in downtown tourist and business districts, wall murals are custom-designed for high impact. Boasting spectacular landmark locations in Seattle, 户外壁景广告(也称为壁画广告或墙体广告画)的特点是精心制作的广告,要么涂上,要么直接贴在建筑物的外部表面. 我们公司提供各种尺寸和执行的墙壁景观可用于短期或长期的活动. 对墙体广告如何帮助你的品牌脱颖而出和业务增长感兴趣? Let’s chat about it!

What is Wallscape Advertising?

Wallscapes are big, 大胆的画布,命令最大的关注和提供比生活更大的曝光, in high traffic areas and in key downtown neighborhoods. 它们是最大和最独特的户外广告平台, often several times bigger than a traditional billboard. 壁景没有标准的尺寸或格式,因为每面墙的形状都不同. 大多数墙体广告都是用粘胶材料附着在建筑物的外部,或者用锚固机构拉伸在墙体上. Some Wallscapes incorporate the surrounding areas, such as use of side by side exterior building surfaces, or creative that spills below the wall, onto a sidewalk or parking lot. 传统上,墙壁景观比传统广告牌停留的时间更长, 一方面是因为创意的参与性和定制性,另一方面是因为广告商希望产生长期影响.

Five Great Reasons To Advertise On Wallscapes

1. Exceptional creative

With size comes options for greater nuance and impact, 允许一个完整的故事情节发挥出来,更详细的图像.

2. Little competition

许多墙体景观位于其他更传统的户外广告受到限制的地方. Advertising on building walls can help you dominate your corner.

3. Big impact


4. Social media value

人们喜欢在社交媒体上分享令人惊叹的壁画图片. 艺术家渲染的图像可能会像病毒一样传播,成为商业和艺术媒介融合的杰出例子.

5. Exceptional reach and frequency

你可以根据人口统计目标,接触到一大群人,因为墙壁景观是不可避免的. They command the eyes.

Creative Executions

Pacific’s Wallscapes provide endless creative opportunities through their size, location, and, in many cases, 手绘或添加3D元素等装饰的能力, glow-in-the-dark paint, neon tubing, etc. Many of our wallscapes can be hand painted, 是什么让广告主的信息成为城市景观中独特的一部分. When skilled artists hand paint directly onto a building, this production can become an attraction in itself, as people are curious about the massive display of urban art.

Seattle Market Coverage:

线上博彩平台排名的外墙位于中央商务区和重要的市中心住宅区, galleries, retail, hotels, restaurants, nightlife venues and major stadiums. Pacific Outdoor Advertising provides 西雅图市中心几个街区的壁画广告,包括:

  • Downtown
  • Pike Place Market
  • Capitol Hill
  • Belltown
  • Seattle Center/Space Needle
  • Stadium District /SODO
  • Ballard, NE Seattle

The Cost of Our Wallscapes

Like the pricing for billboards, the cost of your wallscape will depend on a number of factors, including:

  • Location and size
  • Length of marketing campaign
  • Demand for inventory

具体位置定价,并要求报价为我们的墙景空间, 请致电我们经验丰富的销售主管206-536-3600或发送电子邮件至 info@51jiyangshi.com

Ready to Increase Your Sales?

If your advertising campaign needs an eye-catching, high impact media format to create immediate attention, build reach, and brand identity in the Seattle market, 请致电206-536-3600十大博彩网站评级正规博彩平台线上博彩平台排名,或发送电子邮件至 info@51jiyangshi.com!

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It

线上博彩平台排名在各方面都是一流的公司. 团队运用前瞻性策略,展现出强大的协作和创新精神. 很明显,Pacific Outdoor以注重细节而自豪, organized and always open to constructive feedback, making our business relationship effortless. 与这样一个才华横溢、值得信赖的团队一起工作是一件非常愉快的事情.
Jennifer Varallo
Beach Body on Demand
在我们与他们合作的十年里,他们提供了非凡的客户服务, responsiveness to requests and come up with some great ideas. They make the process of changing our campaigns easy. 他们有一个紧密的团队,与客户紧密合作. We look forward to working with them for many years to come.
Liz Acosta
The Emery Group
线上博彩平台排名户外的专业人员在实施各种户外战略方面发挥了关键作用. 他们为我们提供了一种交钥匙体验,为我们的客户提供了我们期望的结果. They managed the entire process from creative and production, inventory recommendations, installation and proof of performance. 在这些充满挑战的时期,线上博彩平台排名户外也展示了与我们合作的真正伙伴关系.
Tim Graham
Alpine Marketing
我们的线上博彩平台排名户外销售人员提供出色的客户服务和支持,同时让我们觉得自己是优先考虑的. 线上博彩平台排名户外使这个过程很容易,并愿意与我们在预算和时间框架我们的活动.
Colleen Drennen
Dr. Martens AirWair USA
我在线上博彩平台排名户外工作了近十年,利用户外媒体为我们客户的品牌创造领导地位. I've always felt they understood what we're trying to achieve, bringing expertise and creative solutions to help us succeed. Good people all around.
Curtis Costner
Sands Costner
随着人们的日常生活开始发生变化,线上博彩平台排名户外公司花时间了解客户不断变化的需求和策略. They helped us to manage the entire process from production, inventory recommendations, installation and proof of performance. 我们的线上博彩平台排名户外销售人员反应很快,总是很方便. Our program was seamless and our campaign generated results. 在这些充满挑战的时期,线上博彩平台排名户外展示了与我们合作的真正伙伴关系.
Andrea Mitchell
BPN Inc.
在这些充满挑战的时期,线上博彩平台排名户外展示了与我们合作的真正伙伴关系. 你们非常乐意为我们提供额外的地点,并且一直非常支持在我的预算范围内.
Angelika Neumann
Neumann Media
线上博彩平台排名户外花时间了解我们的需求,并超越执行一个优秀的户外广告活动. 他们总是尽可能地适应并迅速解决所有最后一分钟的要求和变化. During these unforeseen/challenging times, Pacific was a true partner, 为客户提供创造性的解决方案并履行承诺.
Glynnis Reilly
Horizon NY
线上博彩平台排名户外为我安排了一个具有成本效益和高度可见的活动,带来了即时的客户和员工反馈, everyone mentioned the billboards!
Laura Szczes
Double Z Media